Pop-Up Pottery Venue - Bring The Pot Heads To Your Event - For Festivals, Corporate Events, Weddings

Image of Pop-Up Pottery Venue - Bring The Pot Heads To Your Event - For Festivals, Corporate Events, Weddings

Bring the Pot Heads to your event to add a healthy dose of creative play and silliness!

The Pot Heads Pop-Up Pottery Venue is a dream that was birthed into reality in 2021 when Tasha ran a crowdfunder campaign. The Pot Heads are on a mission to spread the joy of creativity and playfulness through the tactile and therapeutic medium of clay ... and there is no better way to play with clay than with feet on the earth in a field somewhere!

Since creating the pop-up venue, The Pot Heads have popped up at a range of different festivals and events, including ...

Small World
Green Gathering

As well as many smaller, private events such as fayres and weddings.


The venue has been carefully curated to provide a fun and inviting space for people of all ages to be creative, and can be arranged in different ways to suit the needs of your event. To enquire about bringing The Pot Heads to your event, please get in touch with Tasha!


Image of Pop-Up Pottery Venue - Bring The Pot Heads To Your Event - For Festivals, Corporate Events, Weddings Image of Pop-Up Pottery Venue - Bring The Pot Heads To Your Event - For Festivals, Corporate Events, Weddings Image of Pop-Up Pottery Venue - Bring The Pot Heads To Your Event - For Festivals, Corporate Events, Weddings Image of Pop-Up Pottery Venue - Bring The Pot Heads To Your Event - For Festivals, Corporate Events, Weddings